
Initial Visit Pricing

$250by visit

Client history review, method overview, bioenergetic health assessment, comprehensive sensitivity testing and plan.


$200by visit

Initial consultation with test and first treatment for one (1) known irritant. Expect 3-5 sessions on average for completion.

Follow-Up Session

$50-110$by visit

Following your first visits with test and first treatment for one (1) known irritant. Expect 3-5 sessions on average.

Targeted Rapid program

$200by visit

If you have only one known allergy and don’t require testing, this is your option to go straight to treatments.

*Les prix n'incluent pas les taxes applicables au Québec et peuvent changer sans préavis.
*Nos services sont remboursés par la majorité des plans d'assurances privés. Svp vous référer aux détails de votre police pour vérifier votre couverture pour des services de naturopathie.

Do you have any questions?

Need more information or have specific questions?
Our dedicated team is ready to guide you to personalized answers for your well-being.
Contact us today.